PwnTunes for iOS 9 is out!
Does PwnTunes work with Macs as well?
- Sadly due to Apple's restrictive implementation of the Picture Transfer Protocol (iPhoto) currently PwnTunes does not fully work on a Mac without extra Software. We are in contact with the makers of XNJB to get it compatible with iDevice and PwnTunes asap. But you can also use PwnTunes to import music downloaded through Safari on your iDevice or transferred via SSH. Just copy it into /var/mobile/Media/My Music and switch Preferences -> PwnTunes -> Needs Sync to ON, then start the Music app.
(Windows XP ONLY) Why is iPhone missing even after running Windows_XP_Fix.exe?
- The iPhone needs to be plugged in via USB during any time you run Windows_XP_Fix.exe.
- The Windows_XP_Fix.exe often requires a reboot of the PC. It has to be rerun afterwards with iPhone still plugged in.
(Windows XP ONLY) Where can I download the Windows_XP_Fix.exe?
- The Windows_XP_Fix.exe is on the device and normally you should be able to copy it from there on any Windows XP machine via USB Camera folder. If that should not work you can find it here:
(Windows XP ONLY) Where can I download the Windows Media Player 11 Components?
- The Windows Media Player 11 Components normally are downloaded and installed by the Windows_XP_Fix.exe. If that should not work you can find them here: or at Microsoft's servers.
What is the URL of the PwnTunes Beta Repo?
- - You can find additional infos at our forum.
Contact - Please use this for bug reports and feature requests