PwnTunes for iOS 9 is out!
Features of PwnTunes (9.99 € / ~12.99* $)
Drag&Drop Music Import/Export without iTunes
- If you don't like iTunes now you can simply ignore it - and have your Music with you anyway!
- Now you can import Music from all your friend's PCs without loosing Music already on device.
- You can also import local music that has been downloaded through Safari or transferred via SSH, etc.
Access iTunes Music from any PC without iTunes
- Now you can share all your Music with all your friends - as simple as with every USB-Stick / MP3-Player. **
- Now you can backup your iTunes Music to another PC.
- Now you can even copy Music purchased through iTunes Store App.
Import Photos and Videos to Photos App
- Now you can not only copy Pictures from your iDevice to your PC but also from PC to iDevice.
- Get rid of iTunes for this task as well.
Use iPhone/iPod/iPad as USB-Stick for any Files
- Now you can take advantage of the iDevice's harddisk as a USB-Stick and take all your Files with you - and leave that little ugly USB-Stick at home.
- Your Downloads folder (Safari Download Manager etc.) is accessible via USB as well
No extra Software on PC required
- All this is as easy as plugging the USB cable into any PC.
System Requirements
- Windows 7 or above, Windows Vista or Windows XP with Fix (included) or Linux with MTP support. The music import of local music files downloaded through Safari or transferred via SSH also works without PC and thus for Mac users.
* Depends on current US-Dollar to Euro currency rate.
** Please note that we do not approve of illegal sharing of copyrighted material.